NEW ORLEANS (RPT) - A graduate student attending the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference was cat-called by a [race redacted] worker while she was walking from an undisclosed location to her hotel today. According to the graduate student, the worker said “Hey Señorita! Deliciosa!” as she was walking on the sidewalk next to a crew of workers taking down bleachers that had been set up for a Mardi Gras parade the day before. She also claimed that, during this same walk, a homeless woman told her, “You look nice.”
These events have raised concerns among conference goers about the appropriateness of holding the SPSP meeting in the aftermath of a debaucherous event like Mardi Gras. A graduate student who was not involved in the incident said, “I really just can’t believe it. Nothing like this ever happens in my white, middle-class neighborhood. I didn’t think SPSP would ever let something like this happen.”
An SPSP representative declined to comment on the incident. The graduate student who was cat-called was asked how she felt about the event. “It was kind of flattering, I guess,” she told an RPT reporter.
[This article was approved by a Mexican staff writer.]