NEW ORLEANS (RPT) – Pre-conference organizers expressed frustration today about repeated questioning from conference attendees about whether the Existential Psychology (XP) pre-conference actually exists. “People just keep asking us whether this pre-conference is for real,” said one of the organizers of the pre-conference which took place at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. “I don’t know if they’re fucking with me and trying to make a joke, or whether they don’t get that the existential pre-conference is really, actually a truly real thing that exists.”
RPT spoke to a graduate student who was walking around aimlessly outside of the room where the pre-conference was allegedly being held, “I’m not really even sure whether I exist at this point, let alone whether this pre-conference is actually happening.” Other attendees were spotted debating with the pre-conference organizers during the lunch break about whether the morning sessions actually happened.
After repeated questioning from conference attendees about “whether the Existential Psychology pre-conference really exists,” and if this pre-conference “is itself meant to be a parody,” the organizers were forced to release an official statement in which they asserted the existence of the meeting. The organizers told RPT, “this meeting is not a joke.”